
Email: Davetrials@hotmail.com




Fun Stuff


Essex Bike Trials Club

{Essex Bike Trial}

Club Secretary:

Brian Matthews- 01277 210284

(ring 6-10pm)

Clubs season: usually February- December same year, with a break during the summer period

A comp every: month (usually) except during the summer break and after the season finishes

There are 7 rounds in each season with an additional team trial fun event that does not effect the championship results.

location of Comps: In the Essex county or sometimes in Essex's neighbour counties Suffolk or Surrey

Categories at their Comps:

novice (for beginner 20" wheeled riders)

Out Of class (for beginner 26" wheeled riders)

intermediate (for competent 20" or 26" wheeled riders)

Expert (For higher level 20" or 26" wheeled riders)

Elite (for Pro standard 20" or 26" riders)

Riders at each comp:Always around 80- 100

{Essex Bike Trial}

Terrain at Comps: Almost all woodland with scattered man made obstacles (palletts cotton reels etc) in limited numbers of sections and only at certain trials. Most events have technical roots and muddy banks to hop up etc

Can anyone take part: You must be a member (ring above phone no. to get membership forms) for the results at a comp to be scored and to count for the overall EBTC championships, although you can still compete at a comp without membership if you let the organisers know but you will not recieve a position.

Also for each trial an entry form MUST be sent to the organiser of the event if your a member or not (you will get entry forms sent to you for ALL club comps if you are a member) As each trial is always oversubscribed you must send an entry form off ASAP to avoid dissapointment.

Membership: £10 for a years membership

(ring Brian Matthews on above phone number)

entry fees to Comps: Between £4 and £6 for all categories and ages

(Entry Fee is paid on day of comp)

Official Website: N/A

This document maintained by davetrials@hotmail.com.
Material Copyright © 2000 {David Dennis}